This is a head shot of our owner Kimberlee Sommar.

 Kimberlee Sommar, Founder & President

Our Business Philosophy

The hummingbird is a beautiful bird, much like other birds known to man, as it flies around rapidly with its florescent feathered wings. Yet, what makes it so different from the rest is its ability to restructure its wings in order to fly backward, sideways, and inverted at more than 50 wingbeats per second. The hummingbird is a great symbol of what we can do here at KGS as we transform ourselves to perform at optimal speeds to meet any project deadline.

As the owner of KGS Communications, I’ve made it my mission to deliver to our clients a secure quality product that helps make their lives just a little bit easier. For over 30 years, I’ve overcome obstacles by framing the issue in every situation. Now, as a member of the WBENC, I enjoy helping clients assess and organize the most critical parts of their projects and develop innovative strategic solutions. The framing process seems so simple, but in fact, most clients focus on the tasks of the project without a lot of consideration for the overall business objective. Let us assist you in reducing your stress level and allow for a path forward to a successful project outcome.